Bird Feeders
So you are shopping for a new Bird Feeder? Do you have an idea of what sort of birds you want to attract? Did you know that there are many types of feeders that are designed specifically for certain species of birds, and some are designed more as a "One size fits all" solution. This sounds great in theory, but in reality many small birds don't thrive in an environment with many larger birds. We recommend a more focused approach to your bird feeding! Find out more below!

Smart Bird Feeders
Everything is "Smart" these days. From your watch to your garage door opener. Find out what we think about the "Smart bird feeder" trend and where it wins bigtime over the classic (non-smart) bird feeders. Additionally, we'll discuss some points of concern.

DIY Feeders
If you've followed our Instagram page for any length of time, you might have noticed that we do a fair amount of bird feeding with DIY feeders. We've used various types of tera cotta plates, bowls and other objects to put the food out for the birds and mammals. We have definitely learned a few tricks along the w

Suet Feeders
Eastern Bluebirds, various species of Woodpecker, Warblers, Mockingbirds, Thrashers, Starlings and more will come to your feeders quickly (and often) if you are putting out the right feeder and the right type of suet for your birds!

"House" style Feeders
"House" style bird feeders are excellent because they allow you to store a large quantity of food that automatically dispenses as birds eat from the tray on the outside. The food stays dry, thanks to a roof overhang which also provides shelter for small and medium-sized birds while they feast! Find out more!
Sunflower seeds (hulled or whole), Safflower seeds, Peanuts, Thistle and more. Tube Feeders are simple, effective and easy to fill. They offer many perches so multiple birds (and species) can eat simultaneously. Which do we recommend? And what about maintenance / cleaning?

Hummingbird Feeders
Hummingbird feeders come in many shapes, sizes and of course, colors. Which one is right for you? (But why would you limit yourself to one anyway!)