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Hilarious Bird Memes and Comics

Writer's picture: Birds of West CobbBirds of West Cobb

In this blog, we'll share some hilarious Bird Memes and Bird-related comics that we have found while out scouring the world wide web. Feel free to re-share with your friends (and be sure to give credit to the artists!) We hope you enjoy these as much as we do! Also, be sure to check back periodically as we will be adding more as we find them!

This hilarious meme showing stork that just delivered a baby, but also employing the modern-day methodology of snapping a "proof of delivery" photo, likely to send to the new parents. We love this sort of humor, well done Nate Fakes, well done! You can follow him on Instagram here: Nate Fakes

Stork delivery a baby meme / cartoon by Nate Fakes
Stork delivery a baby meme / cartoon by Nate Fakes

Here's an instant classic depicting the timeless competition for birdseed between a bird and a squirrel. But this time, in the "Corporate America" breakroom space. We love this! To see more from this comic, check out Off the Mark (by Mark Parisi).

In this comic, a Turkey Entrepreneur has started selling T-shirts that make turkeys look skinny so they will likely not be hunted or eaten on November 28th, America's Thanksgiving Holiday. We're not sure of the artist for this one, but we have seen it on a tshirt from a major retailer and also on Instagram. If you know the artist, please let us know and we'll be sure to edit this post to reference them appropriately!

The irony... an innocent hobby just feeding a few backyard birds can go terribly, terribly... RIGHT! Soon you'll have a flock-worth of feeders, bird baths, organized containers full of the various types of bird food and even bird-safe cleaners you didn't know you needed previously. This cartoon (unknown artist) shows just how the birds will take advantage of their new found humans.

In this cartoon, some eggs perform an egg-corcism on a very clearly "deviled" egg. That's funny stuff for sure, we hope you enjoy as much as we do! You can check out the other comics by this artist on their Instagram page: Quickies

There's one you don't see every day! A couple of Hummingbirds up to no good, passing around a hummingbird feeder shaped bong. Maybe this is what they're up to when we don't see them for months and months at a time? This is a fun comic from artist Will Santino, and you can check him out on his website here

In this meme, likely created by the instagram page "@JDM CARS", 3 of the fastest things on earth are depicted. A B-2 Bomber diving from the stratosphere, a Peregrine Falcon (one of our favorite birds) likely diving after prey, and a mechanic's hand shooting down into an engine bay after they drop that bolt that they were either in the process of extracting or reinstalling. If you've ever worked on a vehicle you know how true this is...

The comic below includes some (teenage?) squirrels getting a little wild with the tube feeders out in the yard, while the resident human looks on. Good times brought to you by Jim Benton - you can see more of his stuff at the Go Comics page. We also love the hand-shaped Turkey drawing... that one brings back memories for sure!

This cartoon brought to you by Rosemary Mosco and her wonderful page located here shows the (somewhat frightening) stages of a cardinal molting between seasons.

When are you fixing that dripping spigot? Why isn't the grass cut yet? Honey, relax I'm watching the game and I'll get to it later - this meme may strike a nerve, be prepared!

Within coffee shops there are all sorts of people, but usually you don't see Herb and Fran out Human Watching. Although, I'm sure it would be a heck of a time! Thanks for creating this one Scott Metzger! Be sure to check out his page and his other hilarious comics here

This meme shows what happens when the mafia is out to get your Rooster... and maybe they are employed by a large-scale fast food chain. What can I say, sometimes you really just need to be creative in order to blend in!

While not a bird, per se, this is funny on so many levels knowing that a gray squirrel would probably react this way, before trying to bury this giant nut in your lawn.

Thanks for stopping in and checking out some of our favorite bird comics, artists and memes!

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